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TouchMapping™ - A virtual look over your visitors' shoulders

Touch Mapping™ is an innovative way to custom view your visitor's interaction with your Web pages, in other words, to see exactly where they click on your site, page by page. Touch Mapping allows you the ability to see user interactions, lending valuable insight into Website information architecture and usability.

Website Tracking

With touch map-style reporting you have tremendous insight into your site activity.

TouchMapping Shows You Where People Click

Touch Mapping works by recording the exact locations where visitors "touch" (click) a site page. The moment any activated page is touched, the report builds a graphic overlay of your Web page. The overlay is a visual map that shows all the areas of your pages that visitors have clicked on. This unique report reveals both the most common and uncommon areas of the pages where your visitors physically interact.

  • Test different Webpage designs to determine which gets the best results
  • Find out where visitors click and what areas of your site promote additional clicks
  • Discover how content and navigation can lead to increased sales

Link response and content popularity are identified in real-time, giving you instant feedback. And, it is automatically included in your base subscription package!